Friday, December 13, 2013

Reflecting on This Semester

For my first semester of junior year I have been writing this blog for all of you out there who have a connection to this subject. I hope you have enjoyed it thus far and I wish to continue into next semester.

What I Have Done: To this date I have posted thirteen, now fourteen creative writings about my thoughts and others on the topic of bullying. I have put my heart into each one of my posts and worked hard to pull together each idea. I have covered the physical act of cyber-bullying to more abstract thoughts, as people being dartboards. My ultimate goal was to raise awareness and create prevention and the best way I saw fit was to put true emotion in some of my posts, even if I was only replicating others.

My Best Post and Why It's Good: Not only was it my favorite, but I also see it as my best post, one where a new perspective is taken. In "You Don't Know Them" I take on the perspective of someone who is losing their friend through bullying. The friend is no longer in her mind, in fact she is already dead in her mental state. The fact that I was able to write that post at all in someone else point of view was a great accomplishment of my writing skills. The post features two images that relate directly to the theme of the blog; one before the idea of the friend being 'gone' and the other directly stating that she is gone.

What I'd Like to Improve On: I would like to have a more focused writing collection. My current one shows the topic, but wildly transfers to many sub-subjects that I felt were crucial to the writing at the time. I also want to be able to give more time to revising my posts. I usually go over them once or twice, but I still find errors, large or small, that make my work seem sloppy and ill-written.

What I've Learned About Myself as a Learner: I can now see that I make many more mistakes while writing than I previously believed. I learn best through big concepts and not small details and I like examples that I can use directly and then change later. Getting many ideas onto the page as quickly as possible is the best way for me to train my brain that I have found henceforth. When I write I think that what I have put down is 'good enough' and I tend to leave it. This obviously is not a great choice and shows in my grades. Procrastination haunts me, as it does to every other high school student, but when I am put to a limited time, I can better focus and keep progressing with my work.

Where I'd Like to Go: I would like to have a topic per month and further expand on it for three or four weeks , then move on to the next, rather than having a long post that tries to cram everything all at once. I wish to continue with posts on bullying because I feel that the topic is a calling for me. The blog will hopefully be more creative as well next semester and more dedication put into every post.

Thank you for taking time to read this. While it is not an ordinary post, it tells a lot about me and allows you to see that I am a real person, going through life just as you are. It's a bumpy road, as I'm sure you know, but hopefully my words touch your heart and you can spread this to others or use it for your own good.
I'm always here for questions, comments, or testimonies.