Sunday, October 20, 2013

"There aren't any bullies here."

This lie bothers me so much. This is a true story I am about to share, that happened not so long ago...

In chapel, one student spoke about the bullies that are at our school briefly, followed by a student reflecting on her past experiences with bullies, along with family and forgiveness. To me, it was heartbreaking. She spoke with such fear and pain in her words that I could see how deeply cut they had left her. A fellow student then took the opportunity to...'revoke' what they had shared.
"There aren't any bullies here." he laughed off with a smile. Was he seriously saying that?
"Oh, I think there are." I quietly said, still focused on the second speakers words and the passion with which she spoke.
His face went blank, he lost all hints of lightness in his tone. "What?" but he quickly regained them, "I guess I'm one of them then." his laugh came back and all seriousness left as quickly as it arrived.

Why did that conversation stick with me as strongly as it did? Still to this day I'm trying to figure out why the lack of recognition of reality bothers me so much. A month or so after our conversation, if you could call it that, this incident occurred...

A friend of mine came to me, telling me that she was in need of help. She knew a girl, she wouldn't tell me who, that was being bullied. This girl had said she was being picked on, verbally abused, and socially outcast.

This type of situation bothers me greatly; when you see someone who looks sad, they are all alone, and don't seem to be enjoying life, why are none of my Christian brothers and sisters going out and greeting them with the love of the Lord? I have to admit there are times that I will walk past someone the Lord is pulling me to, but not a single person will even try? Thank you to my friend who is trying to make it right in that girl's life. To those of you who are Christian, or even to those who have a moral compass, who care about other people, I want all of us to get out there and try this. Just go up to someone you have never met before, try to genuinely become friends, and if they react badly just remind them they can always go to you in times of need.

Thank you for allowing me to put my story out there, I love every single one of you reading this (more than you probably will believe).

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